
Medical inkjet porcelain white print film
Medical inkjet porcelain white print film
Model: J (T / C) - (Ⅲ / Ⅱ) - (100) - Monolithic Specifications
Medical digital color laser printing film / double white high-gloss color laser printing film
      Digital color laser printing medical film is an international and domestic recent years is to promote the new digital medical imaging film, double-sided high-gloss white digital medical imaging color laser printing film, is a new high-resolution optical effects, General medical imaging film. Selection of porcelain white BOPET polyester film by high-temperature heat-setting process as a substrate, the mechanical strength of the material, geometry stability, environmental pollution, through multi-layered coating from production. Surfaces are coated with a thin film on both sides of the water-soluble polymer material consisting of nano waterproof high-gloss color laser print toner receptive coating, film surface is porcelain white high gloss effect. Double-sided white high-gloss color laser printing firm medical imaging film coating, waterproof wear-resistant, color laser printing medical images saturation, colorful, structured, will help doctors correctly diagnosed.
      Double-sided white high-gloss color laser printing medical imaging film is mainly used in medical diagnostic B-, B-color printout PET-CT and endoscopy and other medical images. Double-sided white high-gloss color laser printing film suitable for medical imaging doctors use a pen, a ballpoint pen to sign the habit, the doctor signed long-term preservation. Color Laser Printing advantage of medical imaging film is print speed, image saturation, colorful, image data can be stored for a long without fading. Suitable for a large number of output outpatient medical imaging.
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